Monday, May 16, 2011

What I Haven't Been Working On

What I've needed to be working on is this dress for Annabeth for the Snazzy Jazz vocal recital next Sunday:

except Rick took the day off work Friday and took the kids to the zoo, so I couldn't try it on her.

Then Thalia wanted to go to one of the homeschool graduations taking place on Saturday:

so I needed to drive her. It was actually not that bad, mostly because there weren't too many kids in this group so it didn't drag on forever, plus they got an excellent speaker for the commencement address. (Some of the various homeschool organizations around town have commencement for their members, and at least 2 of them were this last Saturday. They typically feature a reception afterwards with CAKE. Which is a step up from public school graduation, if you ask me.)

And in the midst of all of this for 2 days we were driving around looking at bathroom vanities for the upstairs bathroom. Sheesh, it always takes so long to figure out cabinets. And they're so astonishingly expensive.

Then Sunday we attended the Russian Vespers put on by the Bach Society at St. Stanilaus Kostka (it occurs to me I've spent quite a lot of time in various churches this weekend). Two hours of a cappella music -- it was amazing. The acoustics of the church were phenomenal. It will be streamed next Sunday at 3 central on if you missed it. Ami, I think you might've liked it if you like classic choral music at all.

And since we went with Mrs. Piano Teacher and her husband it was sort of an "event", so we had to go out to eat afterwards, to the Tap Room (wasn't there a Clarkson show there over St. Patrick's Day? All these places sort of look the same to me anymore).

And then, since it was so cold and rainy over the weekend, when we got home we HAD to build a fire (have managed to avoid turning the furnace back on so far) and rented Tangled from Redbox, and spent a cozy evening lounging.

So. This morning. I may actually have a few hours where no one wants me to go do something else, and I have the correct fitting model here. Which would be really nice because after I finish this dress I have another one for Thalia.

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