Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Weekend -- Notes

Earlier today we were trying to remember what we did last weekend -- all we could remember was being really busy and that it was obviously vitally important to our lives consider we can't even remember what it was one week later. And it occurred to me that I've been jotting down our general weekend busy-ness here and I could look it up. (Really, though, we managed to remember it all by our own brain power, which was a triumph; but it's nice to have a backup here.)

So here are this weekend's notes so that next weekend when we can't remember what was so all-fired important we have the option of looking it up.

Friday -- dance show. This seemed like a great idea, and Thalia skipped her choir stuff that she was supposed to do in order to go to the show. It was a lovely venue. It turned out to be ... awkward. And if I have to say anything else about it my head will explode, since I can't think of any other neutral terms other than ... awkward. Ask me about this in about 6 months when I've calmed down.

Saturday -- get Thalia to the bus by 7am to leave on her choir tour. Mix up concerning her hoodie, featuring Rick chasing the bus. Crazy.

Then the 60th Anniversary party in the afternoon.

Somewhere in there the front lawn got mown, the rat cage got cleaned, I finally put away the Easter decorations, I stared at a dress pattern for awhile.

Sunday -- mission day at church. After services everyone (pretty much) went on various mission projects, ranging from building a retaining wall at a local charitable organization to writing letters to service people overseas -- something for just about every age, ability, and interest. It was way cool. AnnaBeth and I made craft project packages to distribute to kids undergoing treatment at Cardinal Glennon (that would be a great Scout project, by the way -- I need to find out the contact person), Rick worked on a community garden.

PIcked up Thalia from the bus; she wanted to go to youth group, desperately needed to call friends, etc. etc. Over the weekend while she was away a relative had asked if she called us while she was gone. Call us? A 14 year old girl? Heck no, at that age you need to tell everything to your friends; I'm just glad we're not paying for texting capacity.

And now we plunge into another week ....

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