Very simple to make, although I need to alter the bodice a bit next time -- it's sort of baggy-saggy, but the busy print camouflages that.
And, in crocheting news, a couple of Soot Sprites:
And working on another keychain-size Totoro. I'm using a 3.5mm crochet hook on this one (it's supposed to be a 3mm) and it has little holes in between the stitches. This has potential to look dorky with white stuffing in it. We'll see.
In the meantime, Thaia and Annabeth are at a musical theater camp this week, working on Razzle Dazzle (from Chicago) and Rock Island (from The Music Man). Thalia is also working on Good Morning Baltimore (Hairspray) and Shall We Dance (The King and I) plus a monologue from The Princess Bride in which Buttercup declares her love for Wesley. Annabeth is learning Maybe (Annie), doing a monologue from Anne of Green Gables (one of the teachers pointed out that she sort of has the Orphans Named Ann theme going on), and doing a bit from PIrates of Penzance in A Paradox. I think they present some sort of recital on Friday, but I'm really vague on this at the moment. I do know that they're having a great time and learning some stuff about the world of theater.
Ok, are the totoros and soot sprites your own invention? You probably have mentioned before. If not, where did you find the pattern? because I can't take it anymore!!
I found all of the patterns via Ravelry, which has a Studio Ghibli group, btw. Many of them are external links, though, so even if you aren't on Ravelry you should be able to access them. - Soot Sprites
Keyring-size Totoro -- free Ravelry download. -- chu-Totoro -- chibi-Totoro
Also, there are knitting patterns for Totoro, as well as some Totoro hats. Someone just posted a knit hat pattern that's adorable.
Love the dress -- so cute!
Theater camp sounds like a blast. What a fun way to spend the summer.
I'm on Ravelry, I'll have to take a look. Thanks!!
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