Wednesday, December 7, 2011


1.  I get a lot more done when I don't bother writing on a blog in the morning.  I've been doing yoga, lifting weights, have the Christmas cards ordered and in hand, have written those annoying emails I'd been procrastinating about, sewn a pair of pants, and am now working on cleaning out the dining room for use when relatives come to dinner on Friday.

2. Also, the Crazy Train visited Musical Theatre class last week.  Of course, one could argue that the Crazy Train is never very far away from any theater production, but this was a particularly whacked out situation.  So I spent several days NOT writing about that, even though I was thinking about it a lot.  I still may write about it.  But now it won't be a matter of droning on and on in righteous indignation, you know?

3. The outside lights are mostly up.  We put them up on Saturday, which was before it got cold out.  Score!

4.  The gifts we need by this weekend are almost all purchased.  We're down to the odds-and-ends part.  Also the part where we need to dig out the wrapping paper and tags.  Which are hidden behind all the boxes we pulled out looking for the decorations.  Which still aren't all the way up.

5.  Schedule for last Sunday:  Be at church at 7:30am so Thalia could sing with her sextet for the first 2 services.  Then home for lunch, and back at 2 for a rehearsal for Thalia that lasted until 4.  Annabeth's musical rehearsal was from 4-5:30 at church, with a parents' meeting at 5:30 (significant because it meant a coherent adult needed to be there).  Then Thalia at the church at 6pm, with the concert starting at 7pm.  None of this would've been such a big deal if we lived closer to the church.  Or if Thalia had her license and we had an extra car for her.  But, you know, whatever.  We spent the day driving back and forth.

The concert was pretty cool, which was to be expected because the music director at our church is amazing.  You could see that he was totally in his element directing all the disparate parts.  Also, the whole thing ran like clockwork.  Again, that's having someone in charge who knows how to put it together, as well as how to run an organized rehearsal.

6.  I should be doing something else right now.   More later.

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