Finished Analytical Grammar Season 1. It is DONE. Woohoo! She did a great job with this program. I'm amazed at her skill in parsing and diagramming. And I've gotta admit, part of the reason she does well with grammar is because of Latin.
Continues to work on Life of Fred Algebra.
Started to get back in the swing of Latin for Children. She loves this program.
Worked on drawing exercises from Mark Kistler's Draw Squad, and helped AnnaBeth work through them also.
Attended 1.5 hours of dance class; still has a ceili class and another solo class tonight, for a total of 3 more hours.
Worked on Level 2 week 1 of Writing With Ease.
Did a lesson each day out of First Language Lessons 3, bringing her up to lesson 34.
Began Ecoutez, Parlez, using both the CD and workbook.
Continued reading Minimus.
Has reached the point in RightStart C where they warn us that we only have 20 lessons until we start Level D. Wow! Most memorable math moment this week was when she had to measure the height of family members, and we discovered that Thalia is now 3 inches taller than I am.
Worked on drawing exercises from Mark Kistler's Draw Squad.
Attended ceili, 1.5 hours of solo class, and will have 1.5 or 2 hours of solo class tonight (the schedule is written very oddly, so we're not exactly sure how this will work tonight).
Listened to Story of the World 2 on CD.
Had a piano lesson then practiced every day.
Listened to various read-alouds, including The Little Duke, Burgess Animal Book, and Our Island Story. PLUS, we FINISHED These Happy Golden Years, meaning that we've made it all the way through Laura Ingalls Wilder (again) and have started Little House on Rocky Ridge (The Rose Years).
Picture of the week:
Thalia and AnnaBeth need to polish their dance shoes for the feis, and then put black duct tape on the hard shoes so they aren't as slippery on the wooden stages. Sometimes they get a little goofy while doing this.