As noted Thursday, AnnaBeth finished FLL 3 this week. Our Writing With Ease lessons continued this week by using Story of the World passages, for that double whammy of accomplishing 2 subjects at one time.
Thalia continues to fly through Analytical Grammar, learning about gerund phrases and participial phrases (I have a very loose grasp on what the heck these are, but she seems to think it's pretty easy). She has decided to ditch LIghtning Lit 7, and we will forge ahead with literature suggestions from Latin Centered Curriculum. Also, I found our copies of Classical Writing Homer, and visions of starting that back up dance in my head.
In other language news, Thalia has decided that Spanish for Children is just too simple -- it assumes you don't necessarily know parts of speech (see above comment about participial phrases -- this is not a child who needs to review the definition of a noun or verb). She wants to go back to Rosetta Stone. I have a vague memory of the Rosetta Stone discs being wonky, so this may involve hours on the phone with RS tech support. Sigh.
Latin for Children is fine with Thalia, though, and continued smoothly for her this week. AnnaBeth hasn't started a new Latin program. As for me, I decided the weather wasn't quite right for Latin study, since Rome was typically much warmer than St. Louis has been this past week. My conclusion: Latin should only be spoken at temperatures above freezing. I'm pretty sure history bears this out.
Life of Fred is in hiatus while Thalia has started watching Teaching Company Algebra 1. And, yes, you ARE seeing a theme this week in regards to ditching old curriculum and trying something new. Maybe it's the February doldrums. But we've got all of these alternatives around the house, so why not use them.
In RightStart D (which I want to ditch almost daily, having used the program now for several years) AnnaBeth's comment of the week was, "We get to use the calculator and the chalk board on the SAME DAY? I love math!" So now I know how to entice her when she's reluctant -- chalk and a calculator.
Thalia continues to work on Prentice Hall Science Explorers.
AnnaBeth didn't do any science. Well, not formal science studies -- we're always making new discoveries around here.
Other Stuff:
The kids each prepared supper one night this week:
A pasta dish that involved marinara, pesto, and lots of cheese
Scouts, dance, piano, choir, skating. No archery, though -- Thalia wasn't up to it this week.
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