I took my Basic Chic Hoodie along on our Thanksgiving trip, along with several skeins of yarn and a couple of sets of double point needles. Too bad I didn't take the size 6 circular needle I needed for the bottom ribbing.
What to do on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving when you're 5 hours away from your size 6 circular and you're facing a long weekend? You use the set of 5 size 6 double point needles that you did bring along. And you are incredibly frustrated because that particular set is plastic and uber-slippery, and all the stitches keep falling off. And it takes forever to get through the ribbing since you're constantly having to pick up stitches.
But eventually the ribbing was done, and I moved on to the sleeve. Ironic that I had a nice, non-slippery set of double points for the smaller circumference of the sleeve. Ah well. I am so happy to be knitting this sweater instead of crocheting lace collars that this is a minor issue.
In the meantime, Thalia has a gift exchange with her Cadette troop. They are to exchange something handmade. Thalia chose to make a cat.
It will be dressed in the red fabric. The pattern is from Cherryskin, which I found via this page of links. The black fabric is leftover from a pair of capris I made last summer, the red fabric was found in a box of fabric someone (Mom or my sister Elaine, I don't remember which) gave us. I think it's adorable. AnnaBeth hopes Thalia will make another one for her for Christmas. Thalia, on the other hand, isn't quite so sure ... she says she may make a Chibi Kitty like the Chibi Bunnies she made last week (those patterns all came from My Little Mochi, by the way).
I hope she decides soon, since the Girl Scout party is tomorrow afternoon.
AnnaBeth's Brownie troop is exchanging SWAPs for their Christmas party. We were surfing the internet for SWAP ideas, and happened across this collection of SWAPs. And AnnaBeth adored the little cookie boxes (you'll find them if you scroll through the thumbnails) One of the links given for the boxes doesn't work, by the way, but the other will give you a Word document with slightly fuzzy cookie boxes ready to print out on cardstock, cut out
and assemble.
I think she's putting packing tape around them. Really, I don't know. I can tell you that she's working on them right now, and taking dozens upon dozens of pictures of them as she works (she wants her own digital camera for Christmas, although Thalia advised her to ask for toys while she was still young enough to enjoy them ... although AnnaBeth retorted that she will still play with toys when she's an adult). We need to go get some flatback pins to glue on these.
And I need to get to work on making several Christmas gifts!
Those swaps--how CUTE!!!!
I love the color of your sweater, too!
Congrats on finishing those lace collars! The hoodie with be lovely, and your daughter's projects are very cute.
It's frustrating, isn't it, to leave the very thing you need at home when you travel? I like your sweater, and it's so good that the Scouts want the children to give each other home-made things.
Wonderful job on all!
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