Work continues on the Basic Chic Hoodie. I'm currently working on the second sleeve.
At this point it's getting pretty bulky to lug this thing around, given that it's knitted in one piece. Picture trying to sit in a swivel chair knitting this with it all piled in your lap. Now, picture a large cat trying to also sit on your lap while you're knitting. Not a pretty picture.
I've come to the conclusion that I'd rather endure an hour of sewing up various sweater parts (sleeves, front, back) than endure several hours of knitting a whoppin' huge one piece sweater. Heck, it's not even that convenient to knit this second sleeve in the round -- I have to continuously flip the sleeve back and forth to spiral around and around, since otherwise the sleeve would just twist more and more tightly.
Production continues on various Christmas gifts. If you typically get a gift from us, don't look at these pictures too closely, okay?
AnnaBeth has been sewing
and Thalia has learned to use the serger.
My jobs have been cutting out, ironing, pinning, and removing the afore mentioned large cat from the item they're trying to work on, since the fabric was a cozy alternative to my lap.
"I will deal with you later, lowly human."
I've also been doing some embroidery. I'm not sure if it will be done for Christmas.
That bottom piece has the design drawn out on Sulky. After I embroider it I'll tear away the Sulky, picking out all of the little bits with those tweezers up above. Then I'll need to embroider side panels, cuffs, and a cape. And sew it all together, along with bloomers. It will (theoretically) fit an 18 inch doll.
Our hostess for Work In Progress Wednesday is Mrs. H, who welcomes everyone to join in with any projects they'd like to show.
Wonderful Job!
Lovely, lovely. The hoodie is coming along nicely, although I do have to respectfully disagree with your opinion on the seaming vs. large circular knitting debate. I would so much rather knit a whole sweater in the round (even for my husband) than I had have to seam and weave in all those ends!
Your daughters are beautiful, and it's nice to see them sewing. My 11yr. old daughter just received a sewing machine for her birthday.
Slave labor... I really need to teach the boys to sew soon. ;)
Loving the hoodie, and the Santa photos in the other post. We've never had that tradition going, and you almost make me regret it. Almost. Of course, the real Santa doesn't live around here, so.
Whoa! That American Girl-sized dance dress is amazing. I hope we'll get to see the finished product.
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